Aiko Imaizumi     Pianist

今泉 藍子 ピアニスト

プロフィール Biography



奨学生としてニューヨーク市立大学クィーンズ校アーロン・コープランド音楽院修士課程を修了。在学中Discimus ut Serviamus賞、Chamber Music Live賞、Balsam財団賞受賞。

Nota Bene現代音楽グループに所属室内楽作品を研究、演奏。







第7回中部ショパンコンクール銅賞、第3回ショパンコンクール in Asia 奨励賞、第3回南関東ピアノオーディション準グランプリ・神奈川県教育委員会賞など数々のコンクールにおいて入賞を果たす。第13回浜松国際ピアノアカデミー選抜受講、浜松若きヴィルトーゾコンサート出演。






Aiko Imaizumi is a native of Japan and started playing the piano at the age of eight. She studied at Kikuzato High School in Nagoya as a music major. In 2004, she attended Tokyo University of the Arts where she earned her Bachelor of Music Performance degree. 

Aiko has been featured in concerts in Tokyo, Nagoya, Hamamatsu and many other cities in Japan and the United States.  She was awarded 3rd Prize in the Central Japan Chopin Competition, the Special Prize at the Chopin International Competition in Asia, and was accepted to the Hamamatsu International Piano Academy. 

In 2009, she started her music studies at Aaron Copland School of Music at Queens College where she earned her MA degree. In 2015, she made her recital and concerto debut with the Nagoya Chamber Orchestra after completing her studies abroad. Aiko studied piano under Hiromi Hattori, Hiroko Fujii, Emiko Harimoto, Shun Sato, Christopher Oldfather, and Ursula Oppens.


Currently she is on the adjunct faculty of Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University.